Oct 2020



Oct 2020

My new car…


Oct 2020


Official entry for the Trader Joes Ice Cream Sandwich Contest!! THE CHOCOLATE BANANA NUT ICE CREAM SANDWICH This Ice Cream Sandwich is a Laceys Cookie with vanilla banana nut ice cream, with chocolate chips coating the outside!! Deliciousness!! INGREDIENTS:
-Vanilla Ice Cream -Savory Banana & Nuts (bananas, cashews, pecans) -Laceys Cookies (milk chocolate macadamia nut) -Chocolate Chips INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Take out your vanilla ice cream, and put into a stainless bowl.

This is what my night was like last night. Beautiful! Source

Test post again. Move of the week|200 Source

Snow test this time. #kidsbjj Source

Found a new post hike spot in Harriman. The village blend. Guess we ain’t hiking in ramapo no more. #crosiants #hotchocolate #cappuccino Source

Someone’s ready for St Patrick’s day. Home made Irish soda bread people. It’s an expression of my Irish. Source

Move of the week|200 Joey coop enjoying a match. Another test post. Source